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When does the Guild meet?
Central Florida Woodworker's Guild (CFWG) meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month. In some unusual circumstances, we may have to meet at a different day so it would be prudent to check our Events Calendar.
What time are the meetings held?
All our meetings start at 7:00 sharp. However, people start arriving at 6:30 and mingle ahead of the starting time. The meetings wrap up by 9:00 pm.
Where does the Guild meet every month?
The Guild has met at many locations since our inception in 1982. For the last couple decades we have been meeting at the Orlando Woodcraft Store.
Click here for a map.
How much does it cost to join CFWG

There is only one tier of membership.
Regular Membership - Open to any person who is interested or practices woodworking. $72.00 annually. Membership expires 12/31

Do I have to join before I can attend one of your meetings?
No. Guests are always welcome at our meetings. You can always join after you attend if you like what you experienced.
Do you ever train people in woodworking
Training is one of our core philosophies. Our membership is made up of all levels from brand new through advanced. We offer training opportunities in several ways.
Demonstrations: At every one of our meetings, we have a demo by a person who excels at their craft. By watching the demonstration and asking questions, one can learn a lot.
Show & Tell: At every meeting we have a show and tell period where members bring in a project, tool, or something else to share. That member will talk about what they brought in and this is a wonderful opportunity for others in the audience to learn something new.
Sawdust Sessions: Throughout the year, members will open up their shop and offer some kind of woodworking session for others to partake in.
Mentors: We have several mentors who can take you under their wing and show you everything you want to know. Look at our Mentor listing.
Workshops: At least once a year, typically in February or March, the guild will hold a weekend workshop where a Nationally renowned woodworker will demonstrate their techniques. This is a popular and well attended event.
Volunteers - Most everybody is willing to help and share their knowledge. One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions and ask other members if they can show you how something is done. 
What would I get out of Joining your Guild?
The Central Florida Woodworker's Guild meets once a month at the Woodcraft store. Besides fellowship and friendships, there are many benefits to joining our guild that will enhance your woodworking skills.
This sounds GREAT! Where do I sign up?
We have made it very easy to sign up from our website. There is a JOIN link on the main menu or just click HERE and it will take you to the sign-up form. Thank-you for joining!